Nina Menkes on the Male Gaze, Misogyny in Cinema and Brainwashed
Nina Menkes’ Brainwashed was released in late 2022 and it’s an eye opener that has the potential to ignite serious changes in films as we know them. A long standing name in the feminist film genre, using a multitude of classic cinema clips, Menkes is establishing five pillars that dissect Hollywoodien techniques that are used by filmmakers, that go beyond Mulvey’s “male gaze” and cause the audience to submit to certain power relationships as dictated on screen. We’ve become so accustomed to this way of seeing, that yes, we’re brainwashed. We chat to Nina Menkes about subjects, objects and how a female revolution in Hollywood could help retrain our way of seeing.
Read the full article HERE
Polyester / June 13, 2023, By Arijana Zericr